About 21st CCLC
21st Century Community Learning Center

About 21st CCLC

What's New

21stCCLC Pictures

Registration Forms and Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information


Council Members and Providers
  • Winthrop Public Schools
  • Winthrop Chamber of Commerce
  •  C.A.S.A.
  • The Viking Longships Program
  • W.C.A.T.



Our Mission Statement



The purpose of the 21st Century Community Learning Center is to establish and expand programs that operate during

out-of school hours, while providing students with academic enrichment and other activities designed to complement the students' regular academic program. 

Any student who is a resident of Winthrop is eligible to take part in this program, even if they are not currently in the Winthrop Public School System.

The 21st Century Community Learning Center strives to encourage students who are not in the Winthrop School System to become active in the 21st Century Community Learning Center program.  One of the main goals of the 21st Century Community Learning Center is to create and maintain a school and community-based infrastructure that establishes procedures to improve outcomes for children and youth through successful program implementation and oversight.

Integrating school day and out-of-school time programs to create and expanded day in order to promote educational gains for the participants is essential to the program.

Course Evaluations and Effectiveness

The 21st Century Community Learning Center evaluates the affects of our program on participants. 

The teachers of the participants are asked to complete the Survey of Academic Youth Outcomes  (SAYO) at the start and end of the program.  The assessment is done as a requirement to our funder, the Massachusetts Department of Education.  By evaluating the SAYO, we determine whether our program is meeting the needs of its participants, inform our improvement efforts, and report on our progress to our funder. The SAYO is aimed at measuring whether our program affects selected outcomes for the children and youths who participate, and to evaluate any improvement within the participants. There are multiple factors that contribute student’s academic performance, and it is clear that participation in after school programs alone does not determine academic outcomes.  However, a number of existing studies and evaluations indicate that participation in quality after school programs can help students enhance their initiative, increase engagement in learning and gain greater social competence--all of which may support learning and achievement.  

All information obtained through the SAYO is kept completely confidential.  To assure confidentiality students are identified only by assigned ID numbers.  We report our findings by combining all the results from individual surveys; no students or teachers are identified in any way




The Parent Handbook





Program overview

 The 21st Century Grant Program is under Title IV B of the No Child Left Behind Act.   The purpose of the 21st Century Community Learning Center Program is to establish and/or expand programs that operate during out-of school hours and provide students with academic enrichment with other activities designed to complement the students' regular academic program.  Academic enrichment activities are designed to help students meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading and math.   Along with our partners we offer enrichment activities that include everything from academic help to fitness. 

Who is involved in the program 

The Program Coordinator, Cathy DelVento, administers the 21st CCLC program.  She can be contacted via phone at 617-539-5804 or email cdelvento@winthrop.k12.ma Cathy works with our many council members and providers. The council members include Winthrop Public Schools, Winthrop Chamber of Commerce,  C.A.S.A., The Viking Longships Program, W.C.A.T., and many more.  All of whom have contributed and continue to contribute to the programs offered through the 21stCCLC grant. 

Hours of Operation

             The 2008-2009 Hours of operation for each site are available on the registration forms. 


Attendance Policies and Procedures

All children who are residents of Winthrop are welcome to participate in the 21st CCLC program.  All students are encouraged to participate in a minimum of two days each week. 

 At the start of enrichment attendance will be taken. If your child is going to be absent please notify the site in which they attend. If a child is absent and no parent has informed us a call home will be made in order to assure that the child is safe and his or her guardians know where he or she is.

The Arthur T. Cummings School Site: 617-846-5543 x1131

The Middle School: 857-816-3400



  If you are the parent/guardian that is picking up your child and you are unable to pick up your child you are responsible for calling the program coordinator to arrange alternate pick ups.  If you authorize someone else to pick up your child you must inform the program coordinator and state it on your registration form, this person must be at least sixteen years of age.  Unless written permission is given no one but the parent or guardian will be able to pick up or dismiss the child. Also, if stated on your child’s registration form they will be allowed to walk home. Walk home permission is only allowable for students in the 6-8th grades. 


21st CCLC Rules 

Every child is expected to learn and follow the after school program rules.  The rules of the 21st CCLC program are as follows:



    Hitting or touching the other participants or teachers in the   program is forbidden.

      Use of curse words will not be permitted      Speak to the teacher/site coordinator in a respectful manner      Do not yell at any of the other participants treat them politely      Cell phones and pagers are not allowed to be on or used during the program.


  In the event of disruptive or inappropriate behavior the staff of the 21st CCLC will take the following course of action:


The staff member will point out the problem to the child and explain why their behavior is inappropriate.     The problem will be reported to the program coordinator.     If the problem continues a phone call or conference with the parent or guardians will occur.




Medical Emergencies and Illness 

If your child becomes ill at the 21st CCLC program you will be notified and must come to pick up your child. If a child has any of the following symptoms he or she will be sent home:

Rash, coughing, vomiting, fever, head lice, difficulty breathing.  The child must be sent home in order to keep exposure to the other participants to a minimum.



 In the event of an emergency that requires immediate medial treatment an EMT will be called along with the parent or guardian. 



Medications that must be given during the hours of 21st CCLC cannot be administered by 21st CCLC staff.  Additionally, students cannot administer medications to themselves during 21st CCLC hours.  This is in compliance with current state guidelines to ensure the health and safety of all students. 



Please keep in mind that class sizes are limited and enrollment is not guaranteed.