What's New at 21st Century Community Learning Center
21st Century Community Learning Center

About 21st CCLC

What's New

21stCCLC Pictures

Registration Forms and Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information



               Winthrop’s 21st Century Community Learning Center is pleased to announce enrichment opportunities for the 2008-2009 school year!!

As you know, the purpose of the 21st CCLC Program is to establish and/or expand programs that operate during out-of school hours.  

It is our goal to provide students with academic enrichment and other activities designed to complement the students' regular academic program. 

Please note that there is limited space available, so your prompt attention to registration is important. 

Enrichment activities will begin on September 15th and run through May 30th, 2009.   

Each student is encouraged to participate a minimum of two days in the after school program.  Please review all enclosed information and return your registration forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the program feel free to contact our office at 617-539-5804. We look forward to another exciting year of enrichment, and hope that you will join us!