Registration Forms and Frequently Asked Questions
21st Century Community Learning Center

About 21st CCLC

What's New

21stCCLC Pictures

Registration Forms and Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information


Middle School Registration Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the programs located?
All programs are located at the school in which your child is enrolled. If at any time your child was being taken off school property you would be notified ahead of time.

What time is Homework Zone?
Homework Zone runs after school dismissal for about one hour. Visit our message board for more information.

What's the difference between enrolling in Homework Zone and the full enrichment program?
Homework Zone is actually included in the full enrichment program. We realize that some students may benefit from homework zone and not wish to participate in our enrichment activities. So, we now offer the option to enroll just in homework zone. Keep in mind though that your child would participate in homework zone automatically if enrolled in the full program.

What if my child doesn't like 21stCCLC?
While we hope this isn't the case, we would withdraw your child from the program and refund any money for days not attended.

Who runs the programs?
Our programs are ran by our partners and providers, also certified teachers are actively involved in all aspects of the program.

What's available to do?
Each day activities are different and offered to participants. In January and March we will offer new types of programs to the participants. A list of programs we have offered in the past is available on our website, along with current schedules.

Can I meet the person who is in charge of the enrichment activities?
Yes, feel free to introduce yourself to the site coordinator and program instructors when picking up or dropping off your child.

Where is the 21stCCLC office?
Our office is located in the Winthrop High School on 372 Main Street. If you enter the building through the main door go to the right though a set of doors towards the main office then take a left down the hall towards the cafeteria. You will go down a small flight of stairs and our office is located in front of you towards the right.

Who is eligible to particpate in 21stCCLC?
Any child who is a resident of Winthrop may participate even if that child is not enrolled in the Winthrop Public School System.

Should my child bring a snack?
We offer a healthy snack choice and drink each day the program runs. If your child would like the bring his/her own snack he/she may.

How are Fridays in the program different from other days?
Fridays are offered as Fun Fridays. The programs that are offered are not academically based like the ones offered Monday through Thursday. Also there is limited availability on Fridays.


We Have New Adventures Every Day !!

Below are some items we can always use, and would appreciate any donations:


Paper Towels

Cooking Supplies

Paper dishes and cups Play-Dough 
